
Magical sword legend of zelda
Magical sword legend of zelda

Kill 16 enemies in a row and you get a fairy drop forced, but only if the 16th enemy is capable of dropping an item (not in the X group). Kill the 10th enemy with a bomb instead, and instead of a 5 rupee you'll get a forced, guaranteed bomb drop! Kill 10 enemies without getting hit (by an enemy, even a non-damaging bubble, or by the whirlwind from the recorder) and you'll get a forced, guaranteed 5 rupee drop from the next enemy that drops items (not in the X group). However there are also the consecutive kill counters. The chance of getting a drop from group A is 80/256 = 31%. Zols' gels and vires' keese do not advance the counter. The counter starts at 0, and goes up by 1 every time you kill (most) enemies. Whether they do drop an item is random, but when they do drop, here's what they'll be. Here's an additional quick demonstration of the pixels for the "reverse" clip:

magical sword legend of zelda

This trick only works with block clips, not overworld scrolls or ladder clips. After the sword slash, walk through the block. You will get the same effect as the single frame tap, so if you're positioned right, you will turn around. The sword slash, done correctly, will prevent you from moving. Then, instead of doing a single-frame tap, slash the sword and press right or left. First, you get onto the pixel as in the above picture, with the top of Link's head lined up with the flat part of the block. Since the above chart was made, an alternate way of clipping through a block has been discovered by はる@よつば. That means you get to some stairs without killing all the enemies first! Here's a graphic with some pointers: The 'screen scroll' trick is useful for getting over overworld obstacles, as well as for clipping through blocks in dungeons. Game Mechanics and Glitches Screen Scroll If those categories aren't enough, there's also a Category Extensions board with its own rules in the forum sticky posts. The categories, and their rules, are all documented at 's board. Here is an entire page devoted to version differences. Tutorial videos: The Legend of Zelda/Tutorial Videosĭiscord: Invitation to Lack's LoZ Discord server Version differences Route options: Order of the Ate has a list of popular routes that are easier to finish, with a sliding scale of time/difficulty tradeoffs. Picking an emulator: The Legend of Zelda/Emulators

magical sword legend of zelda

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Magical sword legend of zelda